Enrolment is the process in which you confirm your place in a course. You can enrol online. Once you have enrolled, you are officially a student of AFTRS.
Accepting your offer
A deadline will be given to accept your offer online and you will then be sent an email including your login details for use when enrolling and paying your fees.
To enrol
- Login to myAFTRS Portal at using your login details.
- Enrol in the course you have accepted a place and then proceed to complete your enrolment by answering a series of questions.
If you are enrolled as a full-time student, you may be eligible for a travel concession.
Enrolment dates
You will be given an enrolment and fee paying date when you accept your offer. Even if you are unsure about work commitments or travelling overseas, we recommend you enrol as early as possible.
If your circumstances change, you can withdraw from subjects up until the census date. If you do not enrol by the specified date, your place will be forfeited.
Payment of fees
You can pay your fees up-front or by FEE-HELP. Find more on how to pay your fees.
Students who are under 18
If you will be under 18 at the commencement of your course, your parent or guardian will need to complete, and sign, an under 18 consent form. If you have any questions about the form, please contact AFTRS Student Centre on 1300 223 877.
Return to AFTRS via email to studentinfo@aftrs.edu.au or post to:
AFTRS Student Centre
PO Box 2286, Strawberry Hills NSW 2012
Issues enrolling
If you have any problems enrolling or have any further questions contact the Student Centre on studentinfo@aftrs.edu.au or 1300 223 877.