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Short Courses: What’s On in January?

Make the most of Summer at AFTRS honing your filmmaking, directing and lighting skills with our intensive courses or exploring voice-over, video creation and presentation skills with our fundamental courses.   

What better way to move towards your goals than to start the year learning from experts with full access to AFTRS equipment and campus? Take a script to screen, learn how to light to perfection, and explore the versatility of voice recordings. Our courses provide pivotal momentum and knowledge for those seeking advancement in their craft as well as those curious to learn the basics in a new field of interest. 

Develop your craft as a director with our Directing Intensive. Taught by Amin Palangi, an acclaimed AFTRS alumnus and filmmaker, with notable works including Break, awarded Best Short Film at the Top Short Film Festival, and Love Marriage in Kabul, which received the Audience Award at the 2014 Sydney Film Festival and Best Director from the Australian Directors Guild. This course is ideal for those with some on set and directing experience and wanting to evolve their directorial skills, scene blocking, and rehearsal techniques with actors. The course starts on Monday 29 January. 

Get busy in our state-of-the-art studios and take a short film script from concept to screen with the five-day Filmmaking Intensive. Conquer the major areas of directing, cinematography and post-production with fast-paced practical exercises that will give you insights on how to analyse and breakdown a short script to plan a shoot. The course starts Monday 15 January or Monday 29 January. 

Our Lighting Intensive, taught by Anna Howard ACS, is the course all emerging gaffers, cinematographers, and camera lovers have been waiting for. This practical five-day intensive examines the world of film lights, camera filters, colour temperature, and the difference between direct and bounce light, artificial and natural lights, and soft and hard light. Perfect your cinematography skills through lighting capabilities that deliver a clear vision. The course starts Monday 8 January. 

Learn the essential vocal techniques to become a voice-over artist with our Voice Over Fundamentals, starting Saturday 20 January. The voice-over industry spans an incredible range of sectors, from broadcasting to animation, or commercials to audiobooks, allowing numerous opportunities to explore your talent. This two-day course will give you practice in interpreting and delivering reads on various commercial scripts, with insights on how to incorporate direction from a studio producer. 

AFTRS for Business offers short courses that enhance face-to-face and online communications, delivering an adaptive progression to the changing demands of communication in the work environment. Start the new year confidently before every virtual or in-person presentation with our Presentation Skills course. Ground your video content knowledge with Brief to Script to Great Video and commission or produce powerful content that creates a long-lasting connection with your audience. Learn the five key elements of a powerful story that capture an audience and how to translate these techniques to deliver an effective call to action with our Storytelling for Business. 

Take a look below at all our January short courses and craft the skill set you need to propel you forward in 2024. 


Explore all our Short Courses in January:

Lighting Intensive | 8 January (on campus) 

Mobile Content Creation | 10 January (online) 

Writing a TV Series | 15 January (online) 

Filmmaking Intensive | 15 & 29 January (on campus) 

Presentation Skills | 16 January (online)

Videomaking Intensive: Shoot, Edit, Publish | 15 January (campus)

Storytelling for Business | 17 January (online) 

Voice Over Fundamentals | 20 January (on campus) 

Podcasting for your Brand | 23 January (online) 

Directing Intensive | 29 January (on campus) 

Brief to Script to Great Video | 30 January (online) 

Looking for something else? Check out all our short courses and register your interest on a specific course to get notified next time it runs.