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Open for Applications: Unlock Your Creative Potential at AFTRS

Still from ‘Bad Asians’ (Dir. Alyssa Dimarucut) | Photo: Monique Placko

Are you ready to embark on an exciting creative journey? The Australian Film Television and Radio School (AFTRS) is thrilled to announce the opening of applications for the 2024 intake of our Bachelor of Arts Screen: Production and Master of Arts Screen. With a diverse range of programs spanning various creative disciplines, AFTRS award courses offer an unparalleled opportunity for aspiring storytellers to pursue their passions and carve their paths to success. Whether you’re interested in content creation, directing, screenwriting, production, business, or radio and podcasting, AFTRS has the perfect course for you. Discover your passion, refine your skills, and unlock your potential at Australia’s national screen and broadcast school.

Working hand-in-hand with industry, AFTRS is a global centre of excellence that provides world-leading creative education and training so that Australian talent and culture may thrive at home and around the world. AFTRS is the only Australian school to be consistently rated among the top international film schools by The Hollywood Reporter and this year, celebrates 50 years of inspiration, excellence and education since its establishment in 1973.


With the demand for screen content at an all-time high, the Bachelor of Arts Screen: Production has been specially developed in response to these opportunities and the needs of the film, television and creative industries. This three-year, full-time course is designed for aspiring content creators who are passionate and committed to creating stories that are powerful and distinctively Australian. Participate in lectures, practical hands-on classes and productions led by experienced industry professionals, and graduate as an industry-ready creative with the skills, knowledge and experience to succeed in the screen and broadcast industries.

bachelor of arts screen: production

If you’re looking to specialise in a specific discipline within the screen industry, the Master of Arts Screen program is your gateway to success. This program gives you the opportunity to develop your craft skills and the creative, critical and collaborative abilities that will advance and elevate your practice. Embark on a transformative, hands-on learning experience that combines intensive workshops and professional mentorship in your discipline of choice, as well as cross-disciplinary exercises where you can apply your specialised skills to a complex, collaborative production. From award-winners Jane Campion, Andrew Leslie, Gillian Armstrong and Chris Noonan to recent graduates Thomas Wilson-White, Shannon Murphy and Ruby Challenger, AFTRS’ Master of Arts Screen alumni have achieved incredible success, both nationally and internationally, in the screen and broadcast industry.

master of arts screen

Are you eager to learn more about these programs and explore AFTRS’ state-of-the-art facilities? Save the date for the AFTRS Open Day. This is an invaluable opportunity to meet faculty members, current students, and industry professionals. You can gain insights into the courses, ask questions, and get a taste of what it’s like to be part of the AFTRS community. Mark your calendar and take the first step towards a fulfilling career in the creative industries.