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Communicating with Influence: Insights from Intro to Media Skills

Media skills are for everyone. Whether you’re new to a media-facing position or simply need to communicate with influence as part of your role, strong communication skills and delivery are vital to being prepared for any opportunity that arises. 

In a two-hour online workshop with Walkley Award-winning broadcaster and journalist Tracey Spicer, you can elevate your media skills and gain an understanding of the possibilities and challenges of the media. From the tools you need to remain calm under pressure to the techniques for staying on message and on brand, Intro to Media Skills empowers you with the skills and confidence to navigate media interactions. 

We spoke to NAB Business Banking Executive, Monique Blaikie, about her insights on the course and using her media skills in her day-to-day work. 


What drew you to the Intro to Media Skills course?

I was drawn to the Intro to Media Skills course because I’m a big fan of Tracey Spicer and the work she has done and continues to do for women in Australia. I am always looking for ways to improve my own delivery of message to ensure it lands in an easy and accessible way for all audiences, and I think that’s something that Tracey does well – I want to emulate that. 

How did you find the course?

The course was easily accessible, and the concepts were presented in an easy to understand and engaging way. The level of engagement required from us and the pace was spot on, just enough to make sure we got the learnings from our own speaking as well as the others in the session. The cohort’s size was great too and everyone was friendly, open and curious. Ultimately though, the content was great – succinct, easy to digest and applicable to a range of scenarios. 

Tracey was warm, inviting and ready to share. It really felt like Tracey cared and wanted to help us all develop these skills. The delivery and communication of the presentation is something I learned from too and will look to emulate. I enjoyed the focus on practice – this is just a new skill that we all need to keep practicing and will make mistakes in future and they will just be learning moments. 

What insights did you gain from the course and how do you see yourself applying these skills in your role?

My biggest take out was how to stay on message, and almost making a game of bridging back to my intended message while remaining authentic and engaging.

The learnings from this session are ones that I’ll apply in my everyday work presenting to both internal and external stakeholders, and anywhere I need to communicate with influence. I’m enjoying practicing different techniques that we learned. 

Are you likely to recommend this course?

Absolutely yes, I’d like for my whole team to engage in this type of learning, we can always improve the way we communicate.


Prepare yourself for any media opportunity and improve your communication skills with our Media Skills training. Introduce yourself to the media landscape and its expectations with Intro to Media Skills, or dive deeper with individual or small team customised training, tailored to your organisation’s needs and delivered virtually or in person.

Head to our Intro to Media Skills course page to see when it’s running next.